A sprinkle of innovation

un rocio INGLES

A sprinkler never looked so aerodynamic

With our assistance, our client SENNINGER IRRIGATION, INC, requested a 3D Trademark, to identify sprinklers. However, the Trademark Authority denied the registration of the 3D arguing a functional advantage and lack of distinctiveness. However, in the appeal, we highlighted that our client’s purpose was to create a sprinkler in which the appearance could be different from other sprinklers in the market. The design includes an esthetic aerodynamic appearance, with the combination of shapes for the deflector and tripod, different from other products.

When deciding the appeal, the authority determined that, the sign indeed has a functional component, however some of its features can be deemed as solely aesthetic, which gives the sign distinctive force in the market. Thus, the consumer can easily linked those goods with a particular manufacturer.

Therefore, our client succeeded in the appeal and managed to register and protect its trademark.

If you seek protection for your trademarks and intangible property, contact us at our email: tum@tumnet.com

A sprinkle of innovation