Shopify is a widely known and used ecommerce platform for merchants and entrepreneurs worldwide.
The success and popularity of this brand implies a significant and attractive clientele that other competitors might desire.
In this case, SHOPEE SINGAPORE PRIVATE LIMITED requested the registration of the trademark “S” (mixt) which consists of a shopping bag stamped with the letter “S”, such as the trademark of our client SHOPIFY INC, who opposed to the registration request considering that the requested sign might result in the confusion of the clientele towards brands previously registered by Shopify.
Accordingly, the Trademark Office declared the opposition as successful given that the requested sign was clearly and easily confused with those of our client, for which it denied the registration of the trademark “S” requested by SHOPEE SINGAPORE PRIVATE LIMITED, thus protecting our clients’ rights.
If you seek protection for your trademarks and intangible property, contact us at our email: [email protected]