When seeking to register a new trademark, there is always a degree of uncertainty and anxiety for the client. This case was no exception, raising the level of complexity as this brand was the new image and name of the airline.
Additionally, the process had not only one but two oppositions, which increased the expectation and difficulty.
We had to resort to all our creativity to find solid arguments that would allow us to clearly outline the distinctiveness behind our brand.
We highlighted the specialty of the services provided by the client and the repeated use of brands composed of expressions alluding to the same concept.
Regarding the opposition filed by CENTRO LOGISTICO INDUSTRIAL DEL PACIFICO CLIP S.A.S USUARIO OPERADOR DE ZONA FRANCA, the Trademark Office stated that although it could recognize the presence of a family of CLIP trademarks, the opposing trademark did not turn out to be confusingly similar to the trademark applied for registration, considering that there were many registration composed by the prefix. CLI.
Regarding the opposition filed by SYNERMIN S.A.S. The examiner indicated that it would be wrong to recognize and protect a monopoly in favor of the CLICK ENERGY brand, considering its weakness. Furthermore, he indicates that the requested trademark has additional elements that allows it to differentiate itself in the market.
Finally, the distinctiveness of the trademark was recognized and the beginning of a new era was ratified for our client EMPRESA AÉREA DE SERVICIOS Y FACILITACIÓN LOGÍSTICA INTEGRAL S.A., who is now just a click away from its customers.