Who does not remember them; the typical blue uniforms, the blue bags and flight services of PAN AM of the second half of the 20th Century. This history and fame caused that our client PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS, INC decided to intent to avoid the registration of AIR PANAM + GRAPHIC in Colombia, using thereby the cancellation action as main strategy. When obtaining a favorable, definitive decision of a cancellation action, the respective party obtains the possibility to file a new identical trademark application claiming the preferential right. Such application is considered prior to all the pending applications of third parties (including those filed prior to the filing of the cancellation action) and therefore would form an obstacle for current applications and similar future applications for at least the three-year grace period in which a trademark cannot be cancelled for lack of use.
If your company is going through the same situation, and needs to implement protection strategies for your trademarks, contact us at our email: [email protected]