A copyright is different to other common property, since it also has a personal prerogative, inherent to the author. Consequently, a copyright generates two different rights: moral rights and economic rights.
– Moral right: A perpetual, inalienable and non-subjected to a statute of limitations, as a consequence of the indivisible union of the author and its work. By the virtue of this right, the author has the power to decide on the disclosure or modification of its work as well as the right to claim at all times his / her paternity on the work or, on the contrary, to use a pseudonym or disclose it anonymously.
– Economic rights: This right concerns the economic benefits for the author or his beneficiaries that can be derived from the use of the work. Economic rights, unlike moral rights, can be transferred free of charge or onerous to other natural or legal persons, or by virtue of the law may be held by persons other than the author, as is the case of works carried out in the development of a contract of employment or a contract for the provision of services. They allow the owner to control, authorize and / or prohibit the use and exploitation via reproduction, public communication, distribution, translation, etc. of his / her work.