- A Power of Attorney. The same must be executed by the legal representative of the company indicating its position within the company. No legalization by the Colombian Consulate nor the Apostille is required. We friendly request you to fill out both the English and the Spanish part and to mention clearly the complete name of the natural or legal person who provides us the power to act, as well as the complete information regarding the street, province and country which you wish to be used. For industrial design matters, a simple, scanned copy is sufficient. However, for administrative purposes, we friendly request you to provide us with the original, physical document as well.
- A copy of the document by means of which the designer(s) assigns the right over the design to the applicant. (If the designer(s) is/are employee(s) of the applicant, copies of the relevant provisions of their labor contracts, i.e. the parts regarding Intellectual Property, should be provided as well).
- If a priority is claimed, we would require a certified copy of the priority claimed. Consider that to claim a priority, an application has to be filed within the following 6 months from the filing date of the application whose priority is claimed.
- An instruction in which you indicate us the following:
o The industrial design to be applied. (The title of the industrial design cannot refer to an own know, but should refer to the design itself)
o The name, address, and the nationality of the designer(s).
o The name, address, and domicile of the applicant. - The representation of the design must include in principle the following: 1 upper view, 1 down side view, 4 lateral views (2 if the lateral views (back – front, and left – right) are identical), and a perspective view (isometrical), if three-dimensional.
For a bi-dimensional industrial design, one view is sufficient.
However, if there are more views which can clearly show a more accurate representation of the industrial design, we would suggest filing them too.
To minimize the risk that the size and / or scale of the designs changes due to the program of our Patent Office, we strongly recommend you providing us with clear photographic or graphic views in a format of JPG in a size of 8×8 CM. If the views are provided in another size and/or format, a higher risk exists that the views will be differently displayed in the database and in the resolutions of the Patent Office.
Finally, being a technical drawing, both graphically and photographic views are allowed. The figures should not show dimensions, frames, indicator lines, cuts, graphics, marks, or the representation of a technical function, because these aspects are not protected by an industrial design.
Depending on the case, two types of lines can be used: Continuous to draw visible edges and visible contours and dotted for hidden edges and hidden contours. What is represented in a dotted line will be the forms that are hidden in any of the projections.
The use of the dotted line will be done by way of illustration to indicate an object for which protection is not requested, as long as the requested design is a part of the object mentioned and you wish to indicate the location and arrangement thereof within the element of which it is part; For purposes of its interpretation, the requested design must be drawn in a continuous line. The figure or figures showing the dotted line will not be taken into account for the study and decision of the application and will only be understood as illustrative.