Based on our strategy, our client BYTEDANCE LTD filed an opposition against the trademark application TIK TAK EN SEMANA requested by PUBLICACIONES SEMANA S.A.
As main arguments, our client highlighted that the trademark TIKTOK + GRAPHIC has become one of the most famous social network platforms, among people of all ages. It is evident that the predominant word elements of the compared marks TIK TAK and TIKTOK, share the same extension and the same use of consonants. Additionally, signs distinguish hosting services and software for distribution of multimedia content.
The Trademark Authority found that the trademark application TIK TAK EN SEMANA and the trademark TIKTOK are confusingly similar due to their phonetic resemblance, so the public consumer would not be able to differentiate them with clarity. Additionally, the trademarks in question, have the same purpose, which is hosting services and software for distribution of multimedia content, especially since the services of data transmission and telecommunications; telecommunications services to provide access to data/sound or images have competitive connection. In conclusion, the Trademark Office declared founded the opposition and denied the registration of the trademark application.
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