On this case, our client ALPINA PRODUCTOS ALIMENTICIOS S.A. opposed to the registration of the trademark AREPAS CASERAS CAMPESINAS + (Graphic) requested by AREPAS CASERAS CAMPESINAS S.A.S..
As main arguments, our client highlighted that the requested trademark was not distictive enough, AREPAS CASERAS CAMPESINAS, the sign results to be descriptive to the product that is going to identify in the market. The term AREPAS, describe the product, and the terms CASERA (homely) y CAMPESINAS (farmer’s) define its principle qualities. Even though the sign has a graphic element this does not add a distinctive characteristic.
The Trademark Authority mentioned that the expression CASERAS and CAMPESINAS, inform the way the food elements is prepared, coming from natural ingredients, without artificial products, so this terms can’t be exclusive since other competitors in the market use them. The trademarks director upheld the opposition presented by our client and denied the registration of the requested trademark.
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