In this case we padlocked the entrance door of the Colombian market for the trademark LOCK + GRAPHIC, blocking its registration before the Colombian Trademark Office.
The executed strategy through the opposition filed by our client PROMOCIONES GATO S.A.S. was to argue the evident lack of distinctiveness of the trademark requested by GRUPO URREA DIVISIÓN HERRAMIENTAS, S.A. DE C.V., since said trademark did not provide any element that would allow its differentiation with regards to our client´s trademark and given that, by itself, the trademark LOCK + GRAPHIC lacked sufficient distinctiveness to be registered as a trademark in Colombia.
In accordance with the above, both the Director of Distinctive Signs (in first instance) and the Delegate Superintendent for Industrial Property (in second instance) accepted the arguments set forth in our client´s opposition and thus denied the registration of the requested trademark, preventing its entry into the market and the eventual dilution of our client´s trademarks and image.
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